12 Must-Read Books Featuring Older Women

I have prepared a list of book featuring older women at the centre of the story. I have tried to include books from various parts of the world: Nigeria, Ukraine,Argentina, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, England, Italy and Germany and written mainly by female writers. I hope you will find this list […]

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15 Books Translated from 15 Foreign Languages to Diversify Your Reading

I have prepared the list of 15 books translated from various languages that can help you diversify your reading experience. I hope this list will be of use. 1 FRENCH: I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman  I Who Have Never Known Men is a dystopian novel written […]

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12 Captivating Books with Introverted Characters

I have prepared a list of books with introverted characters who deeply connect to the landscape of their inner feelings and thoughts. I hope you will find this list of use and interest. 1 I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman  “I discovered physical solitude, something so ordinary […]

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20 Bookshops and Literary Places Everyone Should Visit in London

I have prepared a list of 20 bookstores and literary places in London that every bibliophile should visit. I tried to put them in the order based on their proximity to each other. Undeniably London has always had an immense significance as a literary hub and provided so much inspiration […]

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10 Books with Inspirational Male Characters

I made a list of books with inspirational male characters. I tried to include books from various cultures which I hope can be of interest to all of you. The list includes books from Mauritania, French-speaking Canada, Turkey, USA, Cuba, Ukraine, Algeria, Pakistan and France. The characters I appreciate are […]

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20 Books about Immigration, Belonging and Identity

I have prepared a list of 20 books exploring themes of immigration, belonging and identity related to social class, ethnicity, and nationality. Often the theme of immigration intersects with the theme of belonging and identity. Therefore, I have decided to include all these themes in one list. As usual I […]

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12 Books with the Inspirational Female Protagonists

I hope you all are doing well. I would like to share with you a few book recommendations with the Inspirational Female Protagonists. These are characters dealing with loneliness in its various forms, trauma, ageing, poverty, life within strict religious and social norms, no opportunities for ‘better’ life. I have […]

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10 Books about Loneliness

I have prepared a list of my favourite books which explore a theme of loneliness, solitude, and aloneness in various forms and aspects of daily life. The stories mentioned below portray loneliness related to the contemporary urban existence, traumatic experiences caused by war or displacement, being an outsider within a […]

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8 Best Books by Elif Shafak

I always devour all the books written by a Turkish writer, Elif Shafak. I deeply connect with the way she tells the stories of people from the peripheries of the society and how she gives the voice to the voiceless. In her books Elif Shafak always shows a rather nuanced […]

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10 Books to Soothe Your Soul

As my stress levels have been skyrocketing over the last weeks and months, I often find myself seeking a refuge in books. During the times of anxiety, I am always in need of reading something heartwarming, soul-healing, soul-soothing and gentle. I have prepared a list of 10 books that can […]

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